Fitness and Nutrition
Each plan comes with...

This plan is created to build a strong core. The goal of this 6 week plan is to strength the midsection and target the abdomens and internal and external obliques. The abdomens are engaged in almost all upper and lower body exercises, but it is key to work these core muscles alone so that a leaner and flatter stomach is developed.
This full body plan is a a five day plan consisting of six weeks. It is intended to burn fat and build muscle. Each day has a specific muscle group that is to be trained. The plan provides great understanding for the body and strength training.
This plan is meant to build a strong and lean lower body composition. The workouts are designed to target the hamstrings and quadriceps to support firm and tight glutes. This is a three day a week plan that spans to a 6 week completion . The plan is to be incorporated into a daily workout regime of cardio or full body training or to be done solo as a new starter plan. This plan is modified specifically for each client, once I become in contact and training with client. All levels are encouraged.
Freshman year of college, as a Track & Field and Cross Country athlete I went through many injures. By the end of the Spring season my doctor told me that I needed to give up my love of running or I'd lose my ability to ever run again. I then started weight training. I learned through reading articles and watching videos or demonstrations of different movements. I saw more progress and change in my body in those first few months of lifting than I ever did during my four years of running. Weight training and nutrition is where my motivation begins. That love has led me to my major of Dietetics/Nutrition and my American Council on Exercise Certification as Qualified Personal Trainer.